Have you ever felt so strongly about something in your life that you knew you absolutely had to get it done no matter the cost or time? That is how we felt when we decided to rebrand Legendary Custom Homes to “Legendary Homes”. You see, we were custom home builders and about one and a half years ago we decided to stop building custom homes with clients from scratch. We knew there was a better way for us and our clients. We had a burning desire to give consumers what they were really looking for.. Luxury homes that are well thought out with tons of detail and uniqueness, without the stress and time commitment!
We were well-recognized in the industry for building custom homes and people still come to us on a weekly basis looking to build custom homes. So, for the last one and a half years we have had to tell A LOT of people “NO”. It was tough for us. Great people that we would have had great relationships with. But they didn’t know why. Now we get to express and tell this story through our brand. We build only “Portfolio Homes”. We call them Legendary Homes. Portfolio homes are homes where we select the best lots in the best areas of town; we design the homes, we curate our own selections, and we sell them completed to the homeowner. With this model, we are able to control timelines, changes, communication to our vendors and subs. We can get homes done faster and with better precision and quality. There are no changes unless we feel it needs to be made to make the homes the best they possibly can be.
Our move-in ready Legendary Homes provide all the benefits of luxury home design without the hassle and time and stress of the building process, while offering the buyer a state-of -the-art, one-of-a-kind, truly extraordinary home.
Don’t waste time drawing up plans, making endless decisions, and ending up with a finished product that may or may not measure up to the home you envisioned in your mind. Instead, fall in love with a Legendary Home and make it yours. We combine our 40 years of experience, expertise, and talent to acquire lots and build and sell stunning homes in the best neighborhoods.
Our process is simple:
1. We acquire only the best properties/lots in the best neighborhoods of Cincinnati.
2. We design the best "portfolio home" for those lots, which means bringing all our expertise and experience about what makes a home “Legendary” into the process.
3. We construct the home that we curate and design.
4. We sell the house to the homebuyer and give them a home builder warranty.
We couldn’t be more excited to introduce our story and our rebrand to you! We think you’ll love it as much as we do!
